Ustawienia dotyczące faktur

Invoice generation method: Single invoice  Zmień

Zewnętrzny szablon (Rachunek)

The global template must contain the $(products) tag, which is where specific invoice items will be listed. Other tags you can use: $(invoice_number) -- invoice number, $(currency) -- currency of the invoice, $(total_price_net) -- total price (without tax), $(total_price_net*XXX) -- total price multiplied by XXX (e.g. $(total_price_net*1.1) returns the total price plus 10%), $(total_price_gross) -- total price with tax, $(total_tax) -- amount of tax, $(amount_paid) -- amount already paid, $(amount_owed) -- amount to be paid, $(discount) -- amount of discount, $(price_no_discount) -- total amount without discount, $(total_price_to_be_paid) -- original price minus the discount applied, $(res_nr) -- sequential reservation number, $(res_nr_confirmed) -- sequential reservation number counting only confirmed reservations (can be used as invoice number), $(res_nr_with_payment) -- sequential reservation number counting only reservations with valid payments, $(res_nr_with_year), $(res_nr_confirmed_with_year) -- similar to the previous tags but these versions include the year, a dash and the number. Note that the invoice numbers here are counted from the beginning of the year, $(res_nr_with_year_and_payment) -- similar to $(res_nr_with_payment) but the count restarts each year, $(cart_nr), $(cart_nr_with_year), $(cart_nr_with_year_and_payment), $(cart_nr_confirmed), $(cart_nr_with_payment), $(cart_nr_confirmed_with_year) -- same as $(res_nr...) tags except that the numbers increase not with each reservation but with each shopping cart - these versions should be used if you're using the shopping cart feature, $(total_quantity) -- sum of all quantities in the invoice, $(page_break) -- continue on a new page, $(online_payment_surcharge_tax_rate) - tax rate for online payment surcharge (in %)

Szablon może również zawierać standardowe tagi. Proszę zobaczyć następujące pytania FAQ w celu zobaczenia dokładnej listy tagów:
Tag playground
Warunkowe drukowanie tekstów
Tagi kalendarza
Tagi zasobów
Tagi rezerwacji

Wewnętrzny szablon (Pozycja)

Here you can choose how each individual invoice item will be inserted into the invoice (outer template). Select whether you want to show invoice items in a table or as blocks of HTML code.
The item code can contain the following tags: $(item_number) -- item number on the invoice (1,2,3,...), $(is_reservation_item) -- set to 1 if given invoice item is the main reservation, $(product_name) -- name of the product / item, $(product_quantity) -- quantity, $(unit_price) -- unit price without tax, $(unit_price_gross) -- unit price with tax, $(currency) -- currency, $(product_price) -- subtotal for given item without tax, $(product_tax) -- tax paid for given product, $(tax_rate) -- tax rate, $(product_price_gross) -- subtotal for given item with tax, $(product_price_gross*XXX) -- same as $(product_price_gross) but multiplied by XXX (e.g. $(product_price_gross*2) returns doubled price)

Szablon może również zawierać standardowe tagi. Proszę zobaczyć następujące pytania FAQ w celu zobaczenia dokładnej listy tagów:
Tag playground
Warunkowe drukowanie tekstów
Tagi kalendarza
Tagi zasobów
Tagi rezerwacji
Using the options above you can set up the look of the table that will list the invoice items. You can add or hide the header row and choose how many columns will be shown in the table. Click the Edit columns button to enter the contents of the columns and Personalizuj styl to modify the table's CSS styles.

The item code can contain the following tags: $(item_number) -- item number on the invoice (1,2,3,...), $(is_reservation_item) -- set to 1 if given invoice item is the main reservation, $(product_name) -- name of the product / item, $(product_quantity) -- quantity, $(unit_price) -- unit price without tax, $(unit_price_gross) -- unit price with tax, $(currency) -- currency, $(product_price) -- subtotal for given item without tax, $(product_tax) -- tax paid for given product, $(tax_rate) -- tax rate, $(product_price_gross) -- subtotal for given item with tax, $(product_price_gross*XXX) -- same as $(product_price_gross) but multiplied by XXX (e.g. $(product_price_gross*2) returns doubled price)


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